Weihnachtliche Motetten (3 & 4) : For Double Choir / Ed. by Günter & Leonore von Zadow.

Weihnachtliche Motetten (3 & 4) : For Double Choir / Ed. by Günter & Leonore von Zadow.

Schultz, Johannes,  (1582-1653.)

Heidelberg:  Edition Guentersberg  ©2024

Ein Kindelein so löblich à 8 -- Gelobet seist du Jesu Christ à 8. With an introduction and critical report in German and English. Includes facsimiles.

1 score (27 p.) + 8 parts; 30 cm

Language: German
Edition Number: G 416
ISMN: M501744169
ISMN13: 9790501744169
Distributor Number: G416

Weihnachtliche Motetten = Christmas Motets : For Double Choir / Ed. by Günter & Leonore von Zadow.

Price: $38.00
Usually ships in 4 to 6 weeks.
