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Missa Scaramella (Reconstruction) / edited and Restored by Fabrice Fitch.
Obrecht, Jacob, (d.1505.)Utrecht: Vereniging V. Nederlandse ©2024
Kyrie -- Gloria -- Credo -- Sanctus -- Agnus Dei. With an introduction, critical notes, and bibliography in English. The primary source for this edition is a set of four partbooks ca. 1515-20 held at the Jagiellonian Library in Kraków’s Biblioteka Jagiellonska. Two of these part books are lost. Against the material contained in the surviving altus and tenor partbooks, composer and musicologist Fabrice Fitch had reconstructed the work in its entirety.
1 score (xxv, 50 p.); 34 cm
Language: Latin
ISBN: 9063752369
ISBN13: 9789063752361
Missa Scaramella (Reconstruction) / edited and Restored by Fabrice Fitch.
Price: $109.00
Usually ships in 4 to 6 weeks.