Quarrels On Harmonic Theories In The Venetian Enlightenment.

Quarrels On Harmonic Theories In The Venetian Enlightenment.

Barbieri, Patrizio.

(Teorie Musicali‚ Vol. 5)

Libreria Musicale Italiana  ©2020

In the late 18th century, the harmonic theories of Venetian musicians such as Francesco Antonio Calegari, Francesco Antonio Vallotti, and Giuseppe Tartini, came in conflict with the theories of Jean-Baptiste Rameau. This book tells story of the quarrels that arose from this conflict. With a preface, list of works cited, and indices. Music examples. Plates.

xvi, 372 p.; 24 cm.

Language: English
ISBN: 885543022X
ISBN13: 9788855430227

Quarrels On Harmonic Theories In The Venetian Enlightenment.

Price: $57.60
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