This exciting series of instrumental instruction books includes complete music plus easy-to-follow instructions, tips and advice. The accompanying CDs allow you to listen and play along to the matching audio tracks. These user-friendly book/CD packs provide riffs, licks, chords & tricks you can learn now, and easily incorporate into your own playing style! -- -- In this book, you'll get essential information on how to get all the great rock guitar sounds, from classic 1950s lick to pull-offs, hammer-ons, bends and the slide. Plus, how to get the very best effects from your pedal, and inside tips and tricks on scales and position playing.
1 book (64 p.) + 1 compact disc
Edition Number: AM 92448
ISBN: 0711945241
ISBN13: 9780711945241
Distributor Number: HL14011093
UPC: 752187924487