Wohl Dem, der Sich Auf Seinen Gott = 'Tis Well With Him Who On The Lord, BWV 139.
Bach, Johann Sebastian, (1685-1750.)Stuttgart: Carus Verlag ©2016
Edited by Klaus Hofmann. Contents: 1. Chorus -- 2. Aria -- 3. Recitativo -- 4. Aria -- 5. Recitativo -- 6. Choral. With a foreword in German and English. This cantata is scored for SATB soloists and chorus, with two oboes d'amore, strings, and continuo. This edition includes singing texts in German, and English translations by Henry S. Drinker, as revised by John Coombs. Piano reduction by Angelika Tasler.
1 vocal score (32 p.); 27 cm.
Language: Multiple Languages
Edition Number: CV 31.139/03
ISBN13: 9790007181192
ISMN: M007181192
Distributor Number: CV31.139/03
UPC: 9790007181192
Wohl Dem, der Sich Auf Seinen Gott = 'Tis Well With Him Who On The Lord, BWV 139.
Regular Price: $13.95
On Sale For: $9.90
Usually ships in 4 to 6 weeks.
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