Cantus-Firmus-Satz Bei Palestrina - Teil 1 and Lösungsband.

Hohlfeld, Christoph,  (1922-)

(Schule Musikalischen Denkens‚ Teil 1)

Noetzel Verlag  ©1994

Charging that Fux' Gradus led to a fundamental misconception of the ~Palestr na style , the author goes back directly to Palestrina & Zarlino to develop ne rules about the pure essence of polyphony. Hundreds of music examples. Final section of student exercises by R.Bard with a separate book of resolutions.

2 volume set (406 94 p.); 24 cm.

ISBN: 3795906504
ISBN13: 9783795906504

Cantus-Firmus-Satz Bei Palestrina - Teil 1 and Lösungsband.

Price: $117.00
Usually ships in 4 to 6 weeks.

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