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Treasury of Faith : Lectionary Hymn Texts, Old Testament, Series A, B, and C / Ed. Lucia Sullivan.
Grindal, Gracia.Wayne Leupold Editions ©2012
A collection of hymn texts, written to the Old Testament lessons for all three years, A, B, and C, of the Revised Common Lectionary. Includes texts for festivals of faith and for the Order of Salvation. With a preface, biographical note, and indices.
293 p.; 22 cm.
Language: English
Edition Number: WL 800043
ISBN: 1881162427
ISBN13: 9781881162421
Distributor Number: WL800043
Treasury of Faith : Lectionary Hymn Texts, Old Testament, Series A, B, and C / Ed. Lucia Sullivan.
Price: $34.50
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