Musical Material Today / Ed. Claus Steffan-Mahnkopf, Frank Cox and Wolfram Schurig.

Musical Material Today / Ed. Claus Steffan-Mahnkopf, Frank Cox and Wolfram Schurig.

(New Music And Aesthetics In The 21st Century‚ Band 8)

Wolke Verlag  ©2012

Twelve articles explore the ways in which contemporary composers continue the modern tradition of expanding the available kinds of musical material in their works. With a foreword. Music examples. Black & white photos.

219 p.; 23 cm.
Language: English
ISBN: 3936000190
ISBN13: 9783936000191
UPC: 9783936000191

Musical Material Today / Ed. Claus Steffan-Mahnkopf, Frank Cox and Wolfram Schurig.

Price: $0.00
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