Voicework In Music Therapy : Research and Practice / Ed. Felicity Baker and Sylka Uhlig.

Voicework In Music Therapy : Research and Practice / Ed. Felicity Baker and Sylka Uhlig.

Jessica Kingsley  ©2011

A collection of sixteen articles which explore the importance of various voicework techniques in music therapy practice. Topics include vocal-led relaxation for children with autism; sori therapy; therapy for aphasia, and more. With a foreword, conclusion and indices. Tables. Figures.

367 p.; 23 cm.
Language: English
ISBN: 1849051658
ISBN13: 9781849051651
UPC: 9781849051651

Voicework In Music Therapy : Research and Practice / Ed. Felicity Baker and Sylka Uhlig.

Price: $49.95
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