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Episcopal Central Library, Regensburg, Vol. 4.
(Kataloge Bayerischer Musiksammlungen‚ Band 14/4)
G. Henle ©1994
Catalogue of the Kollegiatstift Unserer Lieben Frau zur Alten Kapelle, Dom St. Peter & the Kollegiatstift zu den Heiligen Johann Baptist und Johann Evangelis in Regensburg, edited by the Generaldirektion der bayerischen staatlichen Bibliotheken. 19th-century ms. copies of mostly 18th-c. church music.
xv, 529 p.; 29 cm.
Edition Number: HN 2327
ISBN: 3873280787
ISBN13: 9783873280786
Distributor Number: HL51482327
Episcopal Central Library, Regensburg, Vol. 4.
Price: $338.00
Usually ships in 4 to 6 weeks.
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