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Sonate A Tre : Per Due Violini E Violone O Arcileuto, Col Basso Per l'Organo, Opera Terza.
Corelli, Arcangelo, (1653-1713.)(Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis‚ Ser. IV, 147)
Forni Editore ©[2003]
Facsimiles of the part books for Corelli's opus 3 trio sonatas, published in Rome, 1689. Each part book is prefaced with an introduction by Corelli.
4 volumes (4x40 p.); 24 cm.
Edition Number: 17970
ISBN: 8827117970
ISBN13: 9788827117972
Distributor Number: 17970
UPC: 9788827117972
Sonate A Tre : Per Due Violini E Violone O Arcileuto, Col Basso Per l'Organo, Opera Terza.
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