LI Madrigali A 4 Voci, Libro I (Venezia 1564).

LI Madrigali A 4 Voci, Libro I (Venezia 1564).

Ragazzo, Paolo,  (16th Century)

(Odhecaton - Musica Vocale‚ No. 11b)

Ut Orpheus Ed.  ©2002

Edited by Andrea Bornstein. Set of part books for the madrigals announced last year in score form (ODH 11A).

1 set of 4 part books (4x35 p.); 29 cm.
Edition Number: ODH 11A
Distributor Number: ODH11A

LI Madrigali A 4 Voci, Libro I (Venezia 1564).

Price: $55.10
Usually ships in 4 to 6 weeks.

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