Cantata No. 92 : Ich Hab' In Gottes Herz und Sinn = To God I Give My Heart and Soul.

Cantata No. 92 : Ich Hab' In Gottes Herz und Sinn = To God I Give My Heart and Soul.

Bach, Johann Sebastian,  (1685-1750.)

Wien:  Eulenburg Editions  ©n.d.

(Dominica Septuagesimae).

1 study score (xii, 42 p.); 19 cm.

Edition Number: ETP 1033
Publisher Number: ETP1033
ISMN: M200208764
ISMN13: 9790200208764
Distributor Number: HL49009363
UPC: 884088016043

Cantata No. 92 : Ich Hab' In Gottes Herz und Sinn = To God I Give My Heart and Soul.

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