Title                  -- Click headers to sort -- Composer/Author Price
114. Psalm, Op. 51 : For Choir and Orchestra.
Mendelssohn, Felix,
   Breitkopf & Haertel   Full Score

114. Psalm, Op. 51 : Piano reduction.
Mendelssohn, Felix,
   Breitkopf & Haertel   Choral Score

115. Psalm : Non Nobis Domine, Op. 31 / edited by R. Larry Todd.
Mendelssohn, Felix,
   Carus Verlag   Vocal Score
    (Stuttgarter Mendelssohn-Ausgaben)

115. Psalm, Op. 31 : For Soloists, Choir and Orchestra.
Mendelssohn, Felix,
   Breitkopf & Haertel   Full Score

115. Psalm, Op. 31 : Piano reduction.
Mendelssohn, Felix,
   Breitkopf & Haertel   Vocal Score

12 Fugen Für Streichquartett (1821) / Edited By Klaus Bundies.
Mendelssohn, Felix,
   Edition Offenburg   Score & 4 Parts

12 Fughe Per Archi, Fascicolo I / edited by Pietro Spada.
Mendelssohn, Felix, N/A
   Boccaccini & Spada   Score & 4 Parts
    (Mendelssohn, Felix - Inediti Rarita E Juvenilia‚ Vol. 8/1)

12 Fughe Per Archi, Fascicolo II / edited by Pietro Spada.
Mendelssohn, Felix, N/A
   Boccaccini & Spada   Score & 4 Parts
    (Mendelssohn, Felix - Inediti Rarita E Juvenilia‚ Vol. 8/2)

12 Fughe Per Archi, Fascicolo III / edited by Pietro Spada.
Mendelssohn, Felix, N/A
   Boccaccini & Spada   Score & 4 Parts
    (Mendelssohn, Felix - Inediti Rarita E Juvenilia‚ Vol. 8/3)

12 Fughe Per Archi, Fascicolo IV / edited by Pietro Spada.
Mendelssohn, Felix, N/A
   Boccaccini & Spada   Score & 4 Parts
    (Mendelssohn, Felix - Inediti Rarita E Juvenilia‚ Vol. 8/4)

13 Psalmmotetten : Für Gemischten Chor A Cappella und Für Frauenchor Mit Basso Continuo.
Mendelssohn, Felix,
   Carus Verlag   Choral Score
    (Stuttgarter Mendelssohn-Ausgaben)

13 Well-Known Original Pieces In Progressive Order of Difficulty / edited by Sylvia Hewig-Tröscher.
Mendelssohn, Felix,
   G. Henle   Score
    (At The Piano)
