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Utopies Jazzistiques : Portraits Choisis De Thelonious Monk à Michel Petrucciani.
Hansebout, Philippe.Harmattan ©2023
22 essays on jazz musicians including Monk, Charlie Parker, Art Pepper, Stan Getz, Chet Baker, Michel Legrand, and Sonny Rollins, as well as French artists such as Boulou Ferré, Michel Portal, and more. With a preface, bibliography, and discography. Black & white photos.
246 p.; 24 cm.
Language: French
ISBN: 2336421151
ISBN13: 9782336421155
Utopies Jazzistiques : Portraits Choisis De Thelonious Monk à Michel Petrucciani.
Price: $38.90
Usually ships in 4 to 6 weeks.
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