Studien Zu Schuberts Rhythmik. Mit Einem Begleitwort von Manfred Hermann Schmid,.

Feil, Arnold.

Georg Olms Verlag  ©1997

Reprint of the 1966 edition, which Schmid's "Begleitwort" says, was and remain a milestone in musicological research. The discussion of the individual examples is followed by a chapter of general conclusions about rhythm. The 110 music examples are in a separate booklet removable from its pocket. Bibl.

124+28 p.; 23 cm.
ISBN: 3487103125
ISBN13: 9783487103129

Studien Zu Schuberts Rhythmik. Mit Einem Begleitwort von Manfred Hermann Schmid,.

Price: $26.10
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