Dernier Cri, Ili, Poslednii Krik Mody V Iskusstve Nachala XX Veka.
Edition Jurgenson ©2013
This five-volume publication is dedicated to one of the brightest periods of Russian culture / the Silver Age, as seen through the music of the time. The set details the relationships of Russian composers to their French colleagues, and to other artists and writers. The book features letters, memoirs, diaries, interviews, articles and reviews by Russian and French critics. Most of the documents have been taken from the state archives and private collections in Russia and France, and are being published here for the first time. Contents: Book 1. Vladimir Derzhanovsky and evenings of contemporary music in Moscow (1904-1914) -- Book 2. Moscow -- Book 3. Paris -- Book 4. Petersburg -- Book 5. Comments. Includes color and black & white plates and photos.
5 volumes (103, 151, 234, 227, 478 p.); 33 cm.
Language: Russian
ISBN: 5972000946
ISBN13: 9785972000944
UPC: 9785972000944