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Musique Touarègue : Du Symbolisme Politique A Une Singularisation Esthétique.
Genthon, Anouck.Harmattan ©2012
The Tuareg are nomadic people of North Africa. The culture has produced the guitar driven ishumar music since the 1980s. This book looks at the social and political importance of this music. With a preface by Dominique Casajus, introduction, and bibliography. Music examples. One map.
274 p.; 24 cm.
Language: French
ISBN: 2296968112
ISBN13: 9782296968110
UPC: 9782296968110
Musique Touarègue : Du Symbolisme Politique A Une Singularisation Esthétique.
Price: $41.80
Usually ships in 4 to 6 weeks.
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