Piano Concerto No. 1 / Myaskovsky : Piano Sonata No. 3 / Sviatoslav Richter, Piano. [CD]

Prokofiev, Sergei,  (1891-1953.)

Urania Records  ©2009

Recordings from 1952 and 1953 also feature Scriabin's Etudes Opp. 2, 8, 42 and 65; and Franck's Symphonic Variations for Piano and Orchestra. With the Orchestra Giovanile di Mosca.

1 sound disc
Edition Number: URN 22383-2
Distributor Number: URN22383

Piano Concerto No. 1 / Myaskovsky : Piano Sonata No. 3 / Sviatoslav Richter, Piano.

Price: $0.00
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