Klang - 24 Stunden Des Tages : 7te Stunde, Balance : Für Basskarinette, Englisch-Horn, Flöte.

Stockhausen, Karlheinz,  (1928-2007.)

(Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Werke‚ Nr. 87)

Stockhausen Verlag  ©2009

Commissioned by the WDR in Cologne and dedicated to the Ensemble Recherche, which premiered the work in August 2008. 4 copies of the score are needed for performance, including one for a sound projectionist. With a preface and performance notes in German and English. Duration ca. 31 min.

1 score (iv, 24 p.); 37 cm.

Klang - 24 Stunden Des Tages : 7te Stunde, Balance : Für Basskarinette, Englisch-Horn, Flöte.

Price: $171.00
Usually ships in 4 to 6 weeks.

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