Title                  -- Click headers to sort -- Composer/Author Price
Stille Lieder (Zweites Heft), Op. 12 : For Voice and Piano.
Mattiesen, Emil,
   Recital Publications   Score

Vier Heitere Lieder, Op. 7 : For Voice and Piano.
Mattiesen, Emil,
   Recital Publications   Score

Willkommen und Abschied, Op. 4 : Für Eine Tenorstimme und Klavier.
Mattiesen, Emil,
   Recital Publications   Score

Zwölf Gedichte, Op. 2 : For Voice and Piano - Vol. 1.
Mattiesen, Emil,
   Recital Publications   Score

Zwölf Gedichte, Op. 2 : For Voice and Piano - Vol. 2.
Mattiesen, Emil,
   Recital Publications   Score

Cendrillon = Cinderella : Scene Feerique Pour Soprano, Contralto Et Choeurs De Femmes.
Maupeou, L. De,
   Recital Publications   Choral Score

Five Lieder Op. 11 : For Female Voices and Piano.
Mayer, Lise Maria.
   Recital Publications   Score

Vier Lieder, Op. 6 : For Female Voice and Piano.
Mayer, Lise Maria.
   Recital Publications   Score

Acht Lieder, Op. 19 : For Voice and Piano.
Mayer, Max,
   Recital Publications   Score

Roussalka, Legend Russe En Un Acte.
Mazellier, Jules,
   Recital Publications   Vocal Score

Six Melodies : For Medium Voice.
Mazellier, Jules,
   Recital Publications   Score

Acht Gedichte von Foeth und Tèuthschew, Op. 24 : For Voice and Piano - Texts In Russian and German.
Medtner, Nicolai,
   Recital Publications   Score
